
Free Lance shop Brussels


Interior design for Free Lance's shop in Brussels (Ixelles)

Photography: Vincent Desailly

Free Lance showroom


Interior design for Free Lance's showroom and creative director's office in Paris

Photography: Devin Blair

Industrial Love Stories


For New York Design Week 2019 Tino Seubert collaborated with Galerie Michael Bargo to showcase his Anodised Wicker and Cable Rug pieces. Both collections juxtapose industrial materials with a residential context. Through displaying the work alongside vintage pieces by Charlotte Perriand, Pierre Jeanneret and Jean Prouvé, a viewer becomes aware of similarities in inspiration. Furthermore, the array of materials visible, spanning several decades, create a rich contrast.

The Colour of Air


Carbon black is the main component of fine Particulate Matter (PM), produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels across homes, industry and transport. As smog It obscures visibility and is the main cause of air pollution. Recent studies suggest it is the number two contributor to climate change.

Drawing on the idea of ancient Egyptians, who used the carbon black from candles to produce ink, The Colour of Air filters PM from car exhausts to produce (PM-LEAD) for pencils, and (PM-K) ink for screen printing posters, as well as permanently dying an outdoor sports outfit (PM-DYE). For Tino Seubert's RCA graduation project Smog becomes wearable, touchable and visible to people who, unknowingly, inhale it everyday.


is a product design studio in London (UK).

When he first made his now signature wicker and aluminium stools and benches in 2018 for a show at the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield, German-born (1986, Forchheim) Tino Seubert found that they opened up a whole new design philosophy for him. They became the starting point for his future projects, which all revel in the juxtaposition of the organic and the industrial and enjoy the exploration of unconventional contexts. For Seubert, the organic is often a welcoming entry point into his work, with people from different countries drawn in by familiar traditional craft elements, only to be tantalised by the clash with sleek, precise industrial design. As a designer, he thrives off an energetic participation in the processes that go into making his pieces: whether it’s wood and stonework or metal machining, electronics or anodising aluminium by hand, Seubert is always obsessively engaged with the detail of his creations.

© Tino Seubert 2024